I have a decent gaming computer and this game lags like crazy! :/
I have a decent gaming computer and this game lags like crazy! :/
Buggy Mess
This game is a buggy mess that messes up its potential. Im not sure if im suppose to beable to stick to the walls and one of my play throughs I kept getting stuck no matter what I did. The actually "thumping" is very, very buggy as well.
Cats keep falling through the platform, even when I have the power up to give me the super long platform.
Nice graphics though, obviously this game was made by an artist, not a programmer, because its very buggy and the collision detection sucks.
No wherre near finished.
Why am I invinicible??
You should have spent a lot more time working on this.
Released it too early
The game is too repetitive, too easy, and too glichty. I died several times without being squished some how? Also, I went through the blocks during the tutorial and fell off the screen. That makes it hard to try out the things in the tutorial like im suppose to.
Cool idea, but you really should have taken some time to get rid of the bugs and add in more gameplay features.
Needs a freaking Sound On/Off button.
Memphis, TN
Joined on 9/21/09